When three isn’t a crowd: Man-in-the-Middle (MitM) attacks explained

Maybe it’s the quirky way some tech writers abbreviate it, or the surreal way it reminded you of that popular Michael Jackson song. Whatever triggers you to remember the term, for most of us, man-in-the-middle embodies something both familia… Continue reading When three isn’t a crowd: Man-in-the-Middle (MitM) attacks explained

What You Should Know About the ‘KRACK’ WiFi Security Weakness

Researchers this week published information about a newfound, serious weakness in WPA2 — the security standard that protects all modern Wi-Fi networks. What follows is a short rundown on what exactly is at stake here, who’s most at-risk from this vulnerability, and what organizations and individuals can do about it. Continue reading What You Should Know About the ‘KRACK’ WiFi Security Weakness