GUEST ESSAY: Here’s why Tesla has been sabotaged twice in two years — lax network security

The disclosure earlier this week that Tesla CEO Elon Musk reportedly informed all of his employees about a rogue worker conducting “extensive and damaging sabotage” to the company’s operations very much deserves the news coverage it h… Continue reading GUEST ESSAY: Here’s why Tesla has been sabotaged twice in two years — lax network security

Will cryptocurrency mining soon saturate AWS, Microsoft Azure and Google Cloud?

Don’t look now but cryptojacking may be about to metastasize into the scourge of cloud services. Cryptojacking, as defined by the Federal Trade Commission, is the use of JavaScript code to capture cryptocurrencies in users’ browsers without… Continue reading Will cryptocurrency mining soon saturate AWS, Microsoft Azure and Google Cloud?

VASCO rebrands as OneSpan, makes acquisition, to support emerging mobile banking services

Bank patrons in their 20s and 30s, who grew up blanketed with digital screens, have little interest in visiting a brick-and-mortar branch, nor interacting with a flesh-and-blood teller. This truism is pushing banks into unchartered territory. They are … Continue reading VASCO rebrands as OneSpan, makes acquisition, to support emerging mobile banking services

Mobile security advances to stopping device exploits — not just detecting malicious apps

The most profound threat to corporate networks isn’t the latest, greatest malware. It’s carbon-based life forms. Humans tend to be gullible and impatient. With our affiliations and preferences put in play by search engines and social media,… Continue reading Mobile security advances to stopping device exploits — not just detecting malicious apps

With passwords here to stay, a ‘Zero Trust’ approach to authentication makes eminent sense

When I first started writing about technology for USA Today in 2000, reporters were required to use what at the time was a cutting-edge 2-factor authentication device to securely log into the newspaper’s editing and publishing network. Related ar… Continue reading With passwords here to stay, a ‘Zero Trust’ approach to authentication makes eminent sense

Last Watchdog’s coverage of cybersecurity and privacy earns 4th Top Blog award

Our daily mission here at Last Watchdog is to keep the public usefully informed about emerging cybersecurity and privacy exposures. Related article: The road to a Pulitzer Though we don’t spend any time seeking it out, one measure of our success … Continue reading Last Watchdog’s coverage of cybersecurity and privacy earns 4th Top Blog award

Why the ‘golden age’ of cyber espionage is upon us

Researchers at Cisco’s Talos intelligence unit have now expressed high confidence that the Russian government is behind VPNFilter, a malware strain designed to usurp control of small office and home routers and network access control devices. If … Continue reading Why the ‘golden age’ of cyber espionage is upon us

Will GDPR usher in a new paradigm for how companies treat consumers’ online privacy?

Back in 2001, Eric Schmidt, then Google’s CEO, described the search giant’s privacy policy as “getting right up to the creepy line and not crossing it.” Well, Europe has now demarcated the creepy line – and it is well in f… Continue reading Will GDPR usher in a new paradigm for how companies treat consumers’ online privacy?

Preempt stakes out turf as supplier of ‘Continuous Adaptive Risk and Trust Assessment’ technology

Defending modern business networks continues to rise in complexity seemingly minute by minute. Perimeter defenses are woefully inadequate, and traditional tactics, like blacklisting and malware detection, are proving to be increasingly ineffective. Pro… Continue reading Preempt stakes out turf as supplier of ‘Continuous Adaptive Risk and Trust Assessment’ technology

How ‘identity governance’ addresses new attack vectors opened by ‘digital transformation’

Mark McClain and Kevin Cunningham didn’t rest for very long on their laurels, back in late 2003, after they had completed the sale of Waveset Technologies to Sun Microsystems. Waveset at the time was an early innovator in the then-nascent identit… Continue reading How ‘identity governance’ addresses new attack vectors opened by ‘digital transformation’