Can malicious communication be hidden reasonably well in encrypted network traffic?

Given that a lot of websites now use TLS/https to encrypt all network traffic: If a client machine is compromised and does need to establish a back channel to a C&C-Server for additional instructions and data exfiltration… Continue reading Can malicious communication be hidden reasonably well in encrypted network traffic?

Another Day, Another Air Gap Breached

What high-tech, ultra-secure data center would be complete without dozens of video cameras directed both inward and outward? After all, the best informatic security means nothing without physical security. But those eyes in the sky can actually serve as a vector for attack, if this air-gap bridging exploit using networked security cameras is any indication.

It seems like the Cyber Security Lab at Ben-Gurion University is the place where air gaps go to die. They’ve knocked off an impressive array of air gap bridging hacks, like modulating power supply fans and hard drive activity indicators. The current work centers on …read more

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dnsteal – DNS Exfiltration Tool

dnsteal is a DNS exfiltration tool, essentially a fake DNS server that allows you to stealthily extract files from a victim machine through DNS requests. dnsteal is coded in Python and is available on Github. Features dnsteal currently has: Support for… Continue reading dnsteal – DNS Exfiltration Tool

PyExfil – Python Data Exfiltration Tools

PyExfil started as a Proof of Concept (PoC) and has ended up turning into a Python Data Exfiltration toolkit, which can execute various techniques based around commonly allowed protocols (HTTP, ICMP, DNS etc). The package is very early stage (alpha release) so is not fully tested, any feedback and commits are welcomed by the author. […]


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DET – Data Exfiltration Toolkit

DET is a proof of concept Data Exfiltration Toolkit using either single or multiple channel(s) at the same time. The idea behind DET was to create a generic tool-kit to plug any kind of protocol/service to test implemented Network Monitoring and Data L… Continue reading DET – Data Exfiltration Toolkit