How The 2022 CEZ Event Shows The Fragility of Environmental Sensors in High-Risk Areas

A monitoring station as set up in the CEZ, featuring both the legacy (ARMS) and new wireless monitoring system.

In what reads somewhat like a convoluted detective story, the events unfolding at the Chornobyl Exclusion Zone (CEZ) in Ukraine during late February had the media channels lighting up with …read more Continue reading How The 2022 CEZ Event Shows The Fragility of Environmental Sensors in High-Risk Areas

Winners of Hackaday’s Data Loggin’ Contest: Bluetooth Gardening, Counting Cups, and Predicting Rainfall

The votes for Hackaday’s Data Loggin’ Contest have been received, saved to SD, pushed out to MQTT, and graphed. Now it’s time to announce the three projects that made the …read more Continue reading Winners of Hackaday’s Data Loggin’ Contest: Bluetooth Gardening, Counting Cups, and Predicting Rainfall

Exploring Custom Firmware on Xiaomi Thermometers

If we’ve learned anything over the years, it’s that hackers love to know what temperature it is. Seriously. A stroll through the archives here at Hackaday uncovers an overwhelming number of bespoke gadgets for recording, displaying, and transmitting the current conditions. From outdoor weather stations to an ESP8266 with a …read more

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Vintage Gauges Turned Classy Weather Display

It’s always good to see old hardware saved from the junk pile, especially when the end result is as impressive as this analog gauge weather display put together by [Build Comics]. It ended up being a truly multidisciplinary project, combing not only restoration work and modern microcontroller trickery, but a …read more

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3D Printed ESP8266 TV is a Blast from the Past

We’ve often said that one of the best applications for desktop 3D printing is the production of custom enclosures, but you certainly aren’t limited to an extruded version of the classic Radio Shack project box. As [Marcello Milone] shows with this very clever retro TV enclosure for the Wemos D1 …read more

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The Challenges Of Monitoring Water Streams And Surviving Mother Nature

Small waterways give life in the form of drinking and irrigation water, but can also be very destructive when flooding occurs. In the US, monitoring of these waterways is done by mainly by the USGS, with accurate but expensive monitoring stations. This means that there is a limit to how …read more

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