Burger King makes its cows less gassy to cut greenhouse gas emissions

As tasty as cows are, their greenhouse gas emissions aren’t quite so palatable. In an attempt to clean up the agriculture industry a little, Burger King has now announced that it will start feeding its cows a new diet that can reportedly cut methane em… Continue reading Burger King makes its cows less gassy to cut greenhouse gas emissions

Fluorinated membrane breaks a limit for capturing carbon dioxide

Carbon dioxide is an all too common waste product of industry, belched into the air in huge amounts from smokestacks. Now, researchers have developed a new type of fluorinated membrane that can selectively filter CO2 out of flue gas at the point of rel… Continue reading Fluorinated membrane breaks a limit for capturing carbon dioxide

New report reveals pause in rise of carbon dioxide emissions in 2019

According to the latest report from the International Energy Agency (IEA), in 2019 global energy-related carbon dioxide emissions stayed steady from the previous year. That’s cause for some cautious optimism, as it’s better than continued growth, of co… Continue reading New report reveals pause in rise of carbon dioxide emissions in 2019

Manipulating gut microbes in livestock could cut their methane emissions

Fossil fuels cop the brunt of attention for reducing climate-changing emissions, but they’re far from the only culprit – livestock like sheep and cows are responsible for huge amounts of methane being released into the atmosphere. Now, an int… Continue reading Manipulating gut microbes in livestock could cut their methane emissions

US Carbon Emissions Spike in 2018 to Their Highest Levels in Eight Years

A new report estimates that American carbon dioxide emissions rose by 3.4 percent in 2018, due to Trump’s policies, cold spells, and economic growth. Continue reading US Carbon Emissions Spike in 2018 to Their Highest Levels in Eight Years

Scientists Used Satellites to Spot Arctic Methane From Space

An experimental technique for measuring potent methane emissions in the Arctic proved successful. Continue reading Scientists Used Satellites to Spot Arctic Methane From Space

A Biochemist Is Beating a GOP Incumbent Backed by the Chemical Industry in Key House Race

In the extremely tight race for Illinois’s sixth district seat, a recent scandal over dangerous emissions from a medical supply plant has brought environmental issues front and center. Continue reading A Biochemist Is Beating a GOP Incumbent Backed by the Chemical Industry in Key House Race

Europe Wants to Devastate Forests to Double Its ‘Renewable’ Energy

A plan recently finalized by the European Union would classify wood burned for fuel as a carbon neutral energy source, when it’s anything but. Continue reading Europe Wants to Devastate Forests to Double Its ‘Renewable’ Energy