Create a safe haven for your customers to build loyalty

“The customer comes first” started out as the secret to success in business. Now it’s the secret to 21st century cybersecurity and fraud prevention, too. The phrase always seemed more like an empty platitude, but a growing number of banks and other fin… Continue reading Create a safe haven for your customers to build loyalty

Integrating a SIEM solution in a large enterprise with disparate global centers

Security Information and Event Management (SIEM) systems combine two critical infosec abilities – information management and event management – to identify outliers and respond with appropriate measures. While information management deals with the coll… Continue reading Integrating a SIEM solution in a large enterprise with disparate global centers

The missing link in your SOC: Secure the mainframe

How confident are you that your security visibility covers every critical corner of your infrastructure? A good SIEM solution will pull data across firewalls, servers, routers, and endpoint devices. But what if there is even one gap—one piece of equipm… Continue reading The missing link in your SOC: Secure the mainframe

What do IGA solutions have in common with listening to music anywhere?

Fifteen years ago, there was a revolution in personal music players. The market had slowly evolved from the Walkman to the Discman, when a bolt of innovation brought the MP3 player. Finally, the solution to having all of one’s music anywhere was solved… Continue reading What do IGA solutions have in common with listening to music anywhere?

How secure are open source libraries?

Seven in 10 applications have a security flaw in an open source library, highlighting how use of open source can introduce flaws, increase risk, and add to security debt, a Veracode research reveals. Nearly all modern applications, including those sold… Continue reading How secure are open source libraries?

Money is still the root of most breaches

Verizon has released its annual Data Breach Investigations Report (DBIR), which offers an overview of the cyber security incidents and data breaches that happened in/were discovered in the past year. Based on an analysis of incident and breach reports … Continue reading Money is still the root of most breaches

CISOs are critical to thriving companies: Here’s how to support their efforts

Even before COVID-19 initiated an onslaught of additional cybersecurity risks, many chief information security officers (CISOs) were struggling. According to a 2019 survey of cybersecurity professionals, these critical data defenders were burned out. A… Continue reading CISOs are critical to thriving companies: Here’s how to support their efforts

Review: Kill Chain: The Cyber War on America’s Elections

Kill Chain is an HBO documentary made and produced by Simon Arizzone, Russell Michaels and Sarah Teale. Kill Chain: Inside the documentary Arizzone and Michaels already worked on a documentary in 2006 called Hacking Democracy, which was about uncoverin… Continue reading Review: Kill Chain: The Cyber War on America’s Elections

How a good user experience brings the pieces of the enterprise IT jigsaw together

Have you ever done a jigsaw puzzle with pieces missing? Or tried to do a complicated one with only part of the picture showing on the box lid? If so, you will know how it feels to be the folks working to create secure, robust, and seamless enterprise I… Continue reading How a good user experience brings the pieces of the enterprise IT jigsaw together

Redefining business for a digital world with smart security decisions

Kurt John is Chief Cybersecurity Officer of Siemens USA, where he is responsible for the information security strategy, governance and implementation for the company’s largest market with ~$23B in annual revenues. In this interview with Help Net Securi… Continue reading Redefining business for a digital world with smart security decisions