Configure Comodo Internet Security to Allow Windows Sandbox to get internet [migrated]

I am using Comodo Internet Security, and want to get access to the internet on my Windows Sandbox. If I disable the Firewall in Comodo sandbox gets internet but it exposes my PC.
I have added WindowsSandbox.exe and WindowsSandboxClient.exe… Continue reading Configure Comodo Internet Security to Allow Windows Sandbox to get internet [migrated]

OpenVPN: how to suppress "WARNING: this configuration may cache passwords in memory — use the auth-nocache option to prevent this"

In OpenVPN GUI, I am getting the red message

WARNING: this configuration may cache passwords in memory — use the auth-nocache option to prevent this.

I do not want to always re-type my password again and again. Is there a way to suppres… Continue reading OpenVPN: how to suppress "WARNING: this configuration may cache passwords in memory — use the auth-nocache option to prevent this"

Risks / best practices in putting your `~`/user home under git to track configuration files only in that directory, not subdirectories?

I just had a warning from Vivaldi 5 that Vivaldi’s profile might have been under a git repo, which could be a security risk exposing passwords and the like and that they had added a .gitignore to mitigate the risk.

• [Privacy] Add .gitign… Continue reading Risks / best practices in putting your `~`/user home under git to track configuration files only in that directory, not subdirectories?

Are there any negative consequences if you change your ssh config for a host with `UpdateHostKeys no`?

I recently came across a question on regarding and ssh config. The solution apparently is to update your ssh config with the following:
UpdateHostKeys no

Unfortunately the author of the top… Continue reading Are there any negative consequences if you change your ssh config for a host with `UpdateHostKeys no`?