Data breach at MGM Resorts expected to cost casino giant $100 million

Wyatte Grantham-Philips reports: The data breach last month that MGM Resorts is calling a cyberattack is expected to cost the casino giant more than $100 million, the Las Vegas-based company said. The incident, which was detected on Sept. 10, led to MG… Continue reading Data breach at MGM Resorts expected to cost casino giant $100 million

D.C. Board of Elections voter registration data up for sale on dark web

A new listing on ransomedvc claims, “We have successfully breached the District of Columbia Board Of Elections and have gotten more than 600k lines of USA Voters.” The listing links to a sample consisting of one registered voter’s dat… Continue reading D.C. Board of Elections voter registration data up for sale on dark web

INC Ransomware claims to have hit Federal Labor Relations Authority

On September 20, a relatively new ransomware gang called INC Ransomware added the Federal Labor Relations Authority to their leak site. As proof, they offered six images of files; two of which appear to contain personal information from cases or submis… Continue reading INC Ransomware claims to have hit Federal Labor Relations Authority

Rock County Health Department in Wisconsin victim of cyberattack

Officials in Rock County, Wisconsin have confirmed to Recorded Future News that they experienced a cyberattack on September 29: “Since some systems are not yet fully operational, this may temporarily impact certain County operations. However, the publi… Continue reading Rock County Health Department in Wisconsin victim of cyberattack