Nanowire networks can learn and remember like a human brain

Nanowire networks mimic the networked structure of the human brain. But can they learn and remember like a human brain can? New research indicates they can.Continue ReadingCategory: TechnologyTags: Nanowires, Brain, Memory, Learning, University of Sydney Continue reading Nanowire networks can learn and remember like a human brain

Alzheimer’s proteins beaten back by sleeping pill in small study

While the sleeping pill known as suvorexant knocked back Alzheimer's markers, the researches are quick to caution that more studies are needed to assess its long-term health effects

Thirty-eight people took part in a study to investigate the effects of a sleep medication on Alzheimer’s-related proteins in their cerebrospinal fluid. The pills showed promise in combating the substances that lead to the harmful tangles and plaques in the brain that contribute to the disease, but larger more comprehensive studies are needed to confirm the results.

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Tickling the ivories may improve age-related cognitive decline

As we age, our brains naturally atrophy, and we experience cognitive decline. New research suggests that listening to music or playing a musical instrument may improve cognitive functioning in healthy older people.Continue ReadingCategory: Health &… Continue reading Tickling the ivories may improve age-related cognitive decline

Clear chemical connection between physical activity and brain health

Scientists unlock key chemical mechanisms that link brain health with muscle use

The link between physical activity and brain health is not new, with many studies showing how exercise can boost function, from easing depression to staving off cognitive decline. Now, scientists have shown in cell studies that the connection may be more direct, which opens the door to more targeted physical therapies for brain health and potential treatment of neurodegenerative conditions.

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Targeted brain network disconnection may improve epilepsy surgery outcomes

For medication-resistant epileptics, surgery is often the only way to stop seizures. However, for those with frontal lobe epilepsy, sometimes surgery doesn’t ensure the seizures stop. A new study has uncovered connections in the brain that go some way … Continue reading Targeted brain network disconnection may improve epilepsy surgery outcomes

Targeted brain network disconnection may improve epilepsy surgery outcomes

For medication-resistant epileptics, surgery is often the only way to stop seizures. However, for those with frontal lobe epilepsy, sometimes surgery doesn’t ensure the seizures stop. A new study has uncovered connections in the brain that go some way … Continue reading Targeted brain network disconnection may improve epilepsy surgery outcomes

Scans that are 64 million times clearer give a new look at the brain

Fifty years on from American chemist Pal Laterbur detailing the first magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), scientists have marked this historic medical anniversary with the sharpest-ever scans of a mouse brain.Continue ReadingCategory: ScienceTags: Duke U… Continue reading Scans that are 64 million times clearer give a new look at the brain

Scans that are 64 million times clearer give a new look at the brain

Fifty years on from American chemist Pal Laterbur detailing the first magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), scientists have marked this historic medical anniversary with the sharpest-ever scans of a mouse brain.Continue ReadingCategory: ScienceTags: Duke U… Continue reading Scans that are 64 million times clearer give a new look at the brain

New drug offers “two-for-one” treatment of heart failure, sleep apnea

Heart failure is a global health problem commonly complicated by sleep apnea, a co-morbidity that further reduces a person’s lifespan. A promising new drug has been developed that could treat heart failure and sleep apnea by targeting the nervous activ… Continue reading New drug offers “two-for-one” treatment of heart failure, sleep apnea