Ultrasound to the brain induces hibernation in mice – and maybe humans

There are times when hibernating would be useful, like surgery or space travel, and we’re getting closer to being able to do so on demand in humans. Scientists have now demonstrated a way to induce a hibernation-like state in mice and rats using non-in… Continue reading Ultrasound to the brain induces hibernation in mice – and maybe humans

Depression linked to brain’s subdued immune cells, not inflammation

A new study into the biological mechanisms underlying depression may have upended the widely held belief that the condition is associated with inflammation. It found that suppression of the brain’s immune cells might be a contributing factor instead.Co… Continue reading Depression linked to brain’s subdued immune cells, not inflammation

Magnetic stimulation treats depression by fixing “backwards” brain signals

Stanford scientists have discovered a major biological mechanism behind severe depression, and shown how to treat it. Signals between two key parts of the brain seem to flow the wrong way in people with depression, but magnetic stimulation reverses the… Continue reading Magnetic stimulation treats depression by fixing “backwards” brain signals

Microbubbles and Ultrasound: Getting Drugs Through The Blood-Brain Barrier

The brain is a rather important organ, and as such, nature has gone to great lengths to protect it. The skull provides physical protection against knocks and bumps, but there’s …read more Continue reading Microbubbles and Ultrasound: Getting Drugs Through The Blood-Brain Barrier

World-first in-utero procedure successfully treats dangerous brain defect

A first-of-its-kind surgical procedure has been performed in utero to correct a brain defect that can be fatal in infants

Surgeons have successfully performed a first-of-its-kind procedure in utero to treat a potentially fatal genetic defect in the brain. Usually treated after birth, the new procedure could give newborns a better chance of a normal life.

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Subset of brain immune cells identified, linked to cognition and memory

Researchers have identified a subset of microglia, the brain's immune cells, called ARG1+ microglia (shown here in yellow), surrounded by regular microglia (red)

A new study has discovered the important role that a subset of microglia, the brain’s immune cells, plays in early brain development, cognition and memory. The finding gives us a better understanding of how these cells work and could pave the way for new treatments for neurodegenerative conditions like Alzheimer’s disease.

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Protein size determines Alzheimer’s stage, may lead to earlier detection

In Alzheimer's disease, protein fibrils in the brain form plaques. The accumulation of such tangles leads to the death of nerve cells and a loss of cognitive performance

Testing for protein clumps in spinal fluid is the conventional way of detecting Alzheimer’s disease, but it doesn’t provide information about the disease’s stage. In a new study, researchers were able to stage the disease using atomic force microscopy to visualize the size and shape of these clumps, which may provide a way of detecting the debilitating disease earlier.

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Boxing may KO early Parkinson’s Disease progression, improve quality of life

A new study has found that boxing solo may slow the progression and reduce the severity of early-stage Parkinson's Disease

When you think of boxing, you probably don’t think of it helping slow the progression of neurodegenerative diseases. But a new study has shown that boxing may be of benefit to those with Parkinson’s Disease.

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First discovery of genetic brain pathway a relief for anxiety sufferers

UK researchers have, for the first time, identified a genetic pathway in the brain that plays a key role in controlling anxiety, opening the door to the development of more effective treatments in the future.Continue ReadingCategory: Medical, ScienceTa… Continue reading First discovery of genetic brain pathway a relief for anxiety sufferers