Parkinson’s discovery opens door to new targeted therapies

Scientists have uncovered a cellular mechanism that could help treat familial Parkinson's disease

Around a million Americans are living with Parkinson’s disease, the neurological condition that greatly, and most often progressively, affects the dopamine-producing powerhouse area of the brain, the substantia nigra. While there is no cure, medication is generally aimed at substituting or boosting dopamine, which can help lessen the movement-impairment that comes with the debilitating disease.

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Espresso delivers smackdown to Alzheimer’s proteins in lab tests

Could this little cup hold a key to fighting Alzheimer's disease?

A nice strong cup of espresso is great for clearing the cobwebs out of the brain first thing in the morning. It might also be good for clearing Alzheimer’s-causing protein tangles away too if lab tests hold up in further research.

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Targeted brain stimulation improves memory in traumatic brain injury

Memory is commonly affected following a traumatic brain injury and may be long-lasting or even permanent. A new study has found that AI-guided electrical brain stimulation in people with moderate-to-severe traumatic brain injury may successfully treat … Continue reading Targeted brain stimulation improves memory in traumatic brain injury

Computers, crosswords & creativity are best for lowering dementia risk

With the incidence of dementia on the rise, it’s important for older adults to do what they can to prevent or delay the onset of the disease. A new study has found that some everyday activities are more beneficial than others in maintaining brain healt… Continue reading Computers, crosswords & creativity are best for lowering dementia risk

Simple oxygen treatment may boost our ability to re-learn motor skills

A new study has found that brief treatment with 100% oxygen can substantially improve motor learning in young, healthy adults. It may have opened the door to using this easy-to-administer treatment with people who are re-learning motor skills they’ve l… Continue reading Simple oxygen treatment may boost our ability to re-learn motor skills

Plant extract found to stabilize blood sugar levels in type 2 diabetics

Researchers have discovered a plant extract that targets the glucose-regulating regions of the brain that are inflamed in type 2 diabetics, improving blood glucose levels. The findings open the door to a novel, natural treatment for the disease.Continu… Continue reading Plant extract found to stabilize blood sugar levels in type 2 diabetics

FDA approves very first drug shown to slow Alzheimer’s disease

While not a cure, Leqembi may offer suitable patients more time with loved ones and an extended quality of life

The first Alzheimer’s disease medication shown in trials to slow progression of the disease has been given full approval by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), paving the way for its costly price tag to be covered by Medicare.

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Dogs’ brains perceive faces and bodies just like human brains do

Reading someone’s facial expressions or body posture is important for understanding their personality, emotions, motivations, or intent. But what about dogs? Can they draw information from faces and bodies like we do? A new study has provided the answe… Continue reading Dogs’ brains perceive faces and bodies just like human brains do

Anti-aging therapy is one step closer after successful primate trial

More than 30 years after it was identified as a key ‘longevity gene,’ the protein klotho has been used to boost the cognitive function of aging rhesus macaques, paving the way for human trials.Continue ReadingCategory: Medical, ScienceTags: anti-aging,… Continue reading Anti-aging therapy is one step closer after successful primate trial

More signs that resistance training protects brain from Alzheimer’s

Studies are increasingly linking the maintenance of muscle with brain health longevity

There’s a growing body of evidence that links muscle makeup to cognitive function, particularly in that it may be key to prolonging brain health as you age.

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