Mysterious circular RNA linked to Alzheimer’s & Parkinson’s disease

Researchers have identified a link between circular RNAs and neurodegenerative diseases

Researchers have gained new insights into largely overlooked circular RNAs in brain cells and the crucial role they play in diseases like Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s. In addition to providing valuable information about the molecular mechanisms underlying these conditions, their findings open the door to developing diagnostic tests and treatments for them.

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With some 1,500 dead animals in its wake, Neuralink heads to humans

Following years of controversy, including whistleblowers reporting of rushed experimental “hack jobs” that resulted in as many as 1,500 animal fatalities, Elon Musk’s brain-chip implant company has begun recruiting for its landmark first human trial.Co… Continue reading With some 1,500 dead animals in its wake, Neuralink heads to humans

Common sweetener now linked to impaired memory and learning

Two months on from it being declared safe by the FDA, aspartame is again making headlines for the wrong reasons, this time for its potential negative impact on learning and memory.Continue ReadingCategory: Medical, ScienceTags: Florida State University… Continue reading Common sweetener now linked to impaired memory and learning

Nasal Alzheimer’s drug effective regardless of brain plaque levels

Researchers have found that a drug, delivered through the nose, effectively reduced brain inflammation in mice with Alzheimer's disease

Researchers have found that an intranasal immunotherapy drug, currently being tested as a treatment for multiple sclerosis, reduced brain inflammation and improved cognition in mice with Alzheimer’s disease, independent of the amount of beta-amyloid plaques present. They say the treatment could benefit people in the later stages of the disease.

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Brain imaging reveals OCD sufferers have difficulty processing certainty

Using brain imaging, researchers have found that obsessive-compulsive disorder affects particular areas of the brain involved in processing certainty during the decision-making process. The findings provide a greater understanding of the processes unde… Continue reading Brain imaging reveals OCD sufferers have difficulty processing certainty

Targeted ultrasound changes brain function & could treat mental illness

A new study has found that using ultrasound to target specific areas of the brain causes functional changes that last for up to an hour. The findings pave the way for the development of non-invasive methods of treating mental health conditions such as … Continue reading Targeted ultrasound changes brain function & could treat mental illness

Obesity discovery: Weight loss without reducing appetite & food intake

Researchers have discovered the mechanism by which a cluster of astrocytes, specialized brain cells, in the hypothalamus cause obesity in mice. Their study also identified a drug that inhibited the process, leading to weight loss without compromising a… Continue reading Obesity discovery: Weight loss without reducing appetite & food intake

Scientists uncover new pathway of Alzheimer’s disease progression

Scientists have found that within the brain's white matter, which is made up of myelinated axons, a specific kind of cell death can accelerate cognitive decline

Scientists have discovered how a unique kind of cell death, due to iron toxicity, creates a snowball effect that advances cognitive decline. With this finding, a whole new approach to treatment could be developed.

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New molecule slams the brakes on Alzheimer’s disease inflammation

The brains of Alzheimer's model mice treated with A11 (right) showed more tubulin (yellow), a marker of neuronal health, compared to the untreated mice (left)

In an effort to find new treatments to halt the progression of Alzheimer’s disease, scientists at The Picower Institute for Learning and Memory at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) have landed on a molecule that can improve memory by putting the brakes on a process that causes brain inflammation.

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World-first parasitic infection: 3-inch roundworm found in woman’s brain

Researchers have discovered the world’s first case of a new human parasitic infection, pulling a live roundworm picked up from a carpet python from the brain of an Australian woman. They say the case highlights the risks posed by zoonotic diseases caus… Continue reading World-first parasitic infection: 3-inch roundworm found in woman’s brain