Acid reflux medication use and dementia linked in people aged 60-69

Scientists have linked dementia and acid-reflux medicine use, but are yet to work out precisely how they're connected

Another large study has found a correlation between proton pump inhibitors (PPI) and an increased risk of dementia, particularly for those aged 60-69 years. But scientists still don’t fully understand why.

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How inflammation in early childhood can lead to autism and schizophrenia

New research from a team at the University of Maryland School of Medicine (UMSOM) has for the first time shown how inflammation in early childhood can affect brain development and contribute to the risk of autism spectrum disorders (ASD) and schizophre… Continue reading How inflammation in early childhood can lead to autism and schizophrenia

Upsetting circadian rhythm causes brain changes that increase appetite

Researchers have found that desynchronizing the circadian rhythm in rats caused brain changes that had a significant impact on appetite and feeding behavior. The findings have important implications for night shift workers and those suffering jet lag a… Continue reading Upsetting circadian rhythm causes brain changes that increase appetite

3D-printed tissues using stem cells may offer repair for brain injuries

Researchers have used human neural stem cells to 3D print functional brain tissue that mimics the architecture of the cerebral cortex, the brain’s outermost layer. The breakthrough technique has the potential to provide individualized repairs to brain … Continue reading 3D-printed tissues using stem cells may offer repair for brain injuries

Chronic stress linked to two-fold risk of Alzheimer’s disease

Chronic stress is also linked to serious health conditions such as obesity and cardiovascular disease

Chronic stress can take a sizeable toll on the body, including higher risks of obesity, graying hair, hypertension, diabetes and cardiovascular disease. And it appears it may be just as damaging to our brains.

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Chronic stress linked to two-fold risk of Alzheimer’s disease

Chronic stress is also linked to serious health conditions such as obesity and cardiovascular disease

Chronic stress can take a sizeable toll on the body, including higher risks of obesity, graying hair, hypertension, diabetes and cardiovascular disease. And it appears it may be just as damaging to our brains.

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‘Emotional’ worms offer clues to how genetics may drive our own feelings

Delivering electric shocks to 1mm-long roundworms may sound rather meanspirited, but scientists at Nagoya City University have used this particular stimuli to uncover some curious behaviors of Caenorhabditis elegans that could further our understanding… Continue reading ‘Emotional’ worms offer clues to how genetics may drive our own feelings

Stem cell transplant refreshes brain cells to treat Alzheimer’s in mice

Stem cell transplants have shown promise in treating Alzheimer's disease in mice by replacing microglia, the brain's immune cells

Scientists at Stanford Medicine have tested a new potential treatment for Alzheimer’s disease in mice. The therapy involves transplanting blood stem cells from healthy mice into those with the disease, which helps replace defective neural cells.

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Light therapy helps the brain clear out toxic Alzheimer’s proteins

A study has found that light therapy during sleep could help the brain's lymphatic system clear away the beta-amyloid proteins associated with Alzheimer's disease

A new study has found that light therapy applied to mice during deep sleep increased the brain’s ability to clear away beta-amyloid, a toxic protein linked to the development of Alzheimer’s disease. The finding may lead to a non-drug, non-invasive treatment for the condition.

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