Cookiethief: a cookie-stealing Trojan for Android

We recently discovered a new strain of Android malware. Trojan-Spy.AndroidOS.Cookiethief turned out to be quite simple. Its main task was to acquire root rights on the victim device, and transfer cookies used by the browser and Facebook app to the cybercriminals’ server. Continue reading Cookiethief: a cookie-stealing Trojan for Android

The banker that can steal anything

The use of root privileges is not typical for banking malware attacks, because money can be stolen in numerous other ways that don’t require exclusive rights. However, in early February 2016, Kaspersky Lab discovered Trojan-Banker.AndroidOS.Tordow.a, whose creators decided that root privileges would come in handy. Continue reading The banker that can steal anything

Everyone sees not what they want to see

In early March, Kaspersky Lab detected the modular Trojan Backdoor.AndroidOS.Triada which granted superuser privileges to downloaded Trojans (i.e. the payload), as well as the chance to get embedded into system processes. Soon after that we found one of the modules enabling a dangerous attack – spoofing URLs loaded in the browser. Continue reading Everyone sees not what they want to see